2 Things Your Movers Might Not Be Allowed To Transport
Instead of stressing out over your upcoming relocation, you might kick back and relax as soon as you schedule professional movers. After all, why should you track down boxes and go through the attic when a trained team can do it for you? Although it can be easy to become complacent, the fact of the matter is that movers aren't allowed to transport just anything. Here are two things your movers might not be able to move for you, so that you can make other arrangements:
1: Guns and Weaponry
If you have a hunting room filled to the brim with antique firearms and expensive crossbows, you might be surprised when your moving company politely refuses to pack up your collection. However, since the Federal Government prohibits the transportation of hazardous materials, including weaponry, your moving company could be in big trouble if they break the rules. In fact, a single violation could cause a moving company to be fined up to $500,000.
Although it might seem like overkill, these rules are set in place to keep individuals from trafficking weapons. Once your crossbow or prized shotgun leaves your possession, it could fall into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, if this were to happen, it could create a massive amount of liability for the moving company.
However, these regulations don't mean that you will have to leave your weapons behind or sell them before you move. You can transport your guns safely by working with an individual with a Federal Firearms License. After making sure that the weapon is unloaded and safe for transport, an FFL licensee will record your personal information and have you fill out an affidavit stating that the weapon is yours. After the proper forms have been filled out, the FFL licensee will ship the weapon to another licensee in your destination city. After providing proof of your identity and filling out another affidavit, you can pick up your item.
To avoid trouble on moving day, never expect movers to handle your weapon collections. Make arrangements with an FFL licensee long before your relocation, so your things are there for you when you arrive.
2: Family Pets
If you are planning on traveling straight to your new house, you might not think twice before putting Fido in his kennel and packing him into the back of the moving truck. However, since moving companies are dedicated to keeping your stuff safe during the journey, they might refuse to transport your family pet.
The fact of the matter is that moving trucks are not an ideal setting for a living creature. Packed moving trucks might not contain enough breathable air for a pet, which could cause suffocation hazards during the trip. To make matters worse, moving truck beds are not typically heated or air conditioned, which might mean your pet could freeze or overheat. Also, if your pet doesn't have an adequate supply of food or water for the journey, it could struggle along the way.
If you need to transport your pet and you don't want to take it with you in your car, consider using a pet shipping service. These businesses focus on providing a safe, comfortable ride for your pet. In fact, pet shipping is even considered a tax deductible relocation expense, so you might even be able to write it off on your taxes.
When you plan your moving day, don't neglect your animal. It might seem like a hassle to make separate moving arrangements, but it could keep your pet safe and happy.
Understanding which things you need to move on your own will help you to streamline your moving day and avoid unpleasant surprises.